Below is one example of analyzing heap dump to know which objects are responsible for JVM out of memory.

How to get JVM Heap dump?

  • One way is to have java option option —XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, which trigger heap dump when JVM is out of memory
  • Another way is to use jmap (available from JDK 1.6 but can also be used on JVM with 1.4+). First, find the java process id using jps.

    bash-4.1$ jps
    24437 Jps
    11036 WrapperSimpleApp

    or you can also use ps -ef to get the java process id.

    -bash-4.1$ ps -ef | grep java
    app      11036 11034  3 05:07 ?        00:26:49 /usr/lib/jvm/jdk1.6.0_151/bin/java -Xms6g -Xmx6g -XX:NewSize=3g -XX:MaxNewSize=3g -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:ThreadStackSize=512 -Duser.timezone=US/Central -XX:SurvivorRatio=8 ... 

    Once you know the process id, use below command to generate heap dump.

    # jmap -J-d64 -dump:format=b,file=<filename>.hprof <jvm-process-id>
    bash-4.1$ jmap -J-d64 -dump:format=b,file=heapdump`date +%m%d%y%H%M%S`.hprof 11036

    Analyzing heap dump using Eclipse Memory Analyzer

Download Eclipse Memory Analyzer (For 64 bit OS get 64 bit version)

Note: Depending on the heap size dump you need to increase the vm size of Eclipse MAT To increase size in Mac OS X, Right click on MemoryAnalyzer (application) then “Show Package Contents”. Edit —

In the below example — size of the heap dump is 1.8 GB, and Eclipse MAT VM size is “3048m” and instance VM size (from which the heap dump is generated) is 2560m.

Open heap dump -

Open heap dump
Open heap dump in MAT

Note: If you have seen below error while importing the heap dump, then add -DhprofStrictnessWarning=true in MemoryAnalyzer.ini.

Import Error
Parsing heap dump error

Open the dominator tree once the heap dump is loaded in Eclipse Memory Analyzer; refer below.

Open dominator tree
Open dominator tree

Select “Group by class”

Select Group by class
Select Group by class

Here, you can know what objects occupied much of the heap dump. For example — In the below scenario, GSAItem objects occupy 41% of the heap dump (788 MB of 1.8 GB)

Outgoing references
Outgoing references

Once the objects are listed, to know what type of items.

In GSAItem object, mItemDescriptor.mItemDescriptorName will give the name of the GSAItem.

List of Objects
List of Objects

We need to group by value “mItemDescriptor.mItemDescriptorName” on Class atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItem (in dominator_tree). So go back to dominator_tree tab, right click on atg.adapter.gsa.GSAItem -> Java Basics -> Group By Value.

Select Group by class
Select Group by class

In Group By Value window, fill the field with “mItemDescriptor.mItemDescriptorName” and click finish.

Save Group by class
Save Group by class

Depending on the number of objects it needs to parse, this will take time. Once it is done, you can see which type of items (GSAItems) take more space in JVM heap space. (sort it by Retained Heap) In the below scenario, ss-sku items took 333 MB of JVM heap space, and the number of ss-sku items in memory are 35,465 (i.e 35,465 items are cached in memory)

ss-sku took 333MB
ss-sku took 333MB

For example, another heap dump, 1570 SamsSessionComponent Objects, took 49%. (1.8 GB of 3.4 GB)

1.8 GB of 3.4 GB
1.8 GB of 3.4GB

You can also check which properties (or references) are taking much space in each object. In the below example, each SamsSessionComponent object took 7 MB; 2 MB is taken by evalueCpns property.

evalueCpns property took 7MB
evalueCpns property took 7MB

In the above way, we can identify which objects take up much memory in JVM. – RC